Main » Academy » Football » Skills Development Camp
The training sessions, which will be instructed by our elite university coaches, are designed to develop speed and agility techniques and will also improve position-specific skills that can be applied to the football field.
AGES: Grade 9 to Cégep
- QB - Coach Surprenant
- REC - Coach Chapdelaine
- RB - Coach Collinson
- LB - Coach Melsbach
- DB - Coach Saint-Vilien
Max. 12 athletes per position.
March 5 to 7 - 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. | Football practice
March 8
- 2 to 4 p.m. | Participants are welcome to watch a Stingers football practice
COST: $125

Group rates available.
For information contact:
Justin Chapdelaine
Concordia Athletics Complex
7200 Sherbrooke St. W.
Montreal, Que. H4B 1R2