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A History of the Sports Hall of Fame

The Concordia University Sports Hall of Fame took root in the spring of 1967 when the Loyola College Sports Hall of Fame came into being to honour student athletes and builders of Loyola College.

There were ten inductees in the first ceremony which took place on October 21, 1967. Other inductions took place in 1968, 1969, 1970, 1972, 1973 and 1983.

In 1995 the Hall of Fame was renamed the Concordia Sports Hall of Fame and the mandate was expanded to include those individuals and teams who have made outstanding contributions to sports at Concordia University and Sir George Williams University, as well as Loyola College.

Nominations can be submitted by anyone with an interest in athletics at Concordia or its two founding institutions.

D'Arcy Ryan
Director of Recreation and Athletics

Loyola Campus - Concordia ArchivesLoyola Campus

Nomination Categories:

A student-athlete who demonstrated outstanding athletic achievement while at Concordia, Loyola or Sir George Williams.

Coaches or administrators who made outstanding contributions to Concordia, Loyola or Sir George Williams varsity athletics.

Teams who demonstrated significant contributions to the Concordia, Loyola or Sir George Williams community.