When the Concordia Stingers take to the football field to battle the Bishop’s Gaiters in the 24th annual Shrine Bowl, they’ll be looking to win the game but they’ll also be conscious of the fact that it’s a privilege to play the game they love.
“Sometimes I complain about by knees, my ankle, my back, my neck,” says Stingers offensive tackle Anthony Barrette. “But I can walk anywhere I want and I can feed myself. Not everyone is that fortunate.”
Head coach Gerry McGrath took six of his senior players to the Montreal Shriners Hospital for Children today for a press conference to promote the game that will be played this Saturday at 1 p.m. at Concordia stadium. While at the hospital several Concordia and Bishop’s players took part in a tour, visiting the young patients.
“Going to visit the hospital and the children really makes you want to win for them,” Barrette said. “They don’t feel sorry for themselves. They don’t let their challenges get them down. No matter what happens in the game, they are the real winners.”
Joining Barrette and McGrath at the hospital were: slotback Liam Mahoney, wide receiver Dan Rodrigues, defensive end Kamil Thompson-Hutchinson, centre Corey Newman and quarterback Rob Mackay.
Defensive coach Phil Roberts and offensive assistant Bryan Chiu also joined the group. Chiu, who played 13 seasons with the Montreal Alouettes, is serving as honorary chairperson of the game.
A portion of the proceeds from the game will go to the hospital. Since its inception in 1987, the Shrine Bowl has raised $739,000.
The Montreal hospital is a bilingual, short-term, acute care centre providing elective pediatric orthpaedic health care. The hospital promotes health and provides treatment and rehabilitation to children with orthopaedic and neuromuscular problems.